Uni City Precinct Tour

Part 1: eResearch SA Vislab

The eResearch SA (eRSA) Vislab is a projection room that allows 3D/stereoscopic display of content. It uses the Infitec colour-separation system and has a 4m x 3m screen. Its uses range from scientific research using applications such as Chimera and PyMOL for 3D display of molecular structure and AVS Express for data visualisation, to outreach activities for the public and school groups via stereo photographs, videos and animations and interactive software such as Celestia.

This demonstration will show 3D photographs and videos (as well as the hardware used to obtain such content), 3D animations, and interactive software such as Celestia, Chimera and a 3D model viewer.

Part 2: UniSA Anatomy Laboratory

University of South Australia Anatomy Laboratory is wet and dry human space. One area of the lab. is kept at 16 degrees for the human cadaver prosections, and the other area is at normal temperatures. There is an airlock passage between the areas to enable this. The wet area is also separately ventilated, air filtered and air-conditioned and has back up power for times of blackouts.

Ethel is a human cadaver embalmed, and then MRI, CT and Xray were taken of her by our Medical Radiations school, and she was then sliced in 1 inch transverse (horizontal) sections and these have been laid on perspex trays. The photo, CT, Xray and MRI images have been made into an online anatomy teaching tool by our Medical Radiations staff. Ethel may be used in the wet or dry area as the perspex and section are shrink-wrapped.